Mum's Journey: Introducing Briannon and her Boys

Briannon Jade is an incredible woman, having recently given birth to her third son who is currently housed in the NICU, she is proving strong and resilient and her positivity simply radating.

Medela recently sat down with Briannon to talk about all things motherhood and Medela.

Let’s start with the basics. What’s it like being a mum?

Being a mum is the most rewarding yet draining job there is. I wouldn’t change being a mum for anything, I get to enjoy my whole life with my mini best friends by my side. I get to experience and share everything with my minis, it is the best life experience I could have ever asked for.

We know you love Medela products, tell us which is your favourite and why.

My favourite Medela products so far have to be the Freestyle Hands-free Double Breast Pump, the 3in 1 Hands-free Pumping and Nursing Bra and the lanolin cream Purelan. I love the pump as it’s just so convenient when you have other kids aswell. I can clean the house while pumping, play with the kids, hang the washing, bathe the kids. It’s a game changer that honestly makes life as a mum of 3 so much easier.

Are you comfortable with feeding in front of others with the new Freestyle Hands-free Breast Pump?

If I was asked this question as a first time mum I’d probably say no as I was so shy and worried about what everyone else thought. But now as a mum who has breast fed twice previously I have no problem walking around with my freestyle hands free pump in my bra while I have company over it’s so discreet and you can barely even notice it’s there. My personal opinion is I'd probably go shopping and everything while using the pump.

Tell us how the new pump has helped you as a mum who had toddlers already running around!

The new Freestyle Hands-free Double Electric Pump has been a complete life changer for my pumping experience. With 2 toddlers running around I’m constantly on my feet chasing them, playing with them, picking up after them and cleaning them. Myself and my house would honestly be a mess without this pump. It’s made life a million times easier while also having toddlers.

Breastfeeding. We all know it’s hard but tell us why you found it hard and how you overcame those issues.

I found that my first time breast feeding was definitely the hardest. My son had a horrible latch I bled and had to use nipple shields and also pump for months so I wasn’t a fan of breastfeeding back then. Then I breastfed my second and he had a great latch it was easy and I didn’t have to use shields or anything and I could just enjoy my time breastfeeding. Breastfeeding can be hard for many parents for so many different reasons. If you are struggling with your breastfeeding journey don’t forget that you can get help from a lactation consultant and even your GP. Never blame yourself, breastfeeding is hard and draining but also so beautiful and heartwarming.

Sidenote, here at Medela we completely agree with Briannon. When in doubt, it is always best to contact the professionals and let them lead the way. Providing the best possible care for you and your baby is always their number one priority.

When did you decide to start your pumping journey? Before or after birth? When did you get your first pump and why with baby number one? Returning to work or wanting your baby to receive the best nutrition all the time?

I started pumping after I had my 1st child as I overproduced milk and was just always in so much pain. I also had bad nipple damage so I would pump on the side that was affected and then feed with the other side.

You are doing an amazing job as a mother, tell us what the transition has been like from 1-2 versus 2-3 kids.

1-2 kids for me was actually quite easy. I’ve found 2-3 to be quite a lot harder as bubby has been in the NICU now for 7 weeks as he was only born at 26 weeks. It has been a roller coaster of emotions which has also made it quite a lot harder.

What’s something you didn’t expect to happen to yourself when you became a mum?

I didn’t expect to have post-partum depression I also didn’t expect to have an Emergency C-Section. But sometimes things happen that we just have no control over but we have to stay positive and right minded for our babies wellbeing and development.

Tell us three words you would use to describe Medela:

Quality, convenient, amazing

If you can give the mums out there reading this interview one piece of motherly advice, what would it be?

Take every moment as it comes. Motherhood is so extremely hard at times yet so magical and amazing other times. Our babies grow so extremely fast so it’s so important to live in the moment and take it all in. You’ve got this mumma, you can do it and if don't you ever doubt yourself!

To learn more about Briannon and her experiences as a mother, follow her on Instagram.

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